Jerry is a British-born American television presenter and a cultural icon, best-known for his talk show The Jerry Springer Show. In addition to talk show host, he has been the mayor of Cincinnati, political pundit, lawyer, award-winning newscaster, country recording artist, international Emcee, TV personality, movie star, Broadway actor, progressive talk-radio broadcaster, and even won America’s heart with his ballroom dancing. He was born in Highgate tube station in London, England, while the station was in use as a shelter from German bombing during World War II and grew up on Chandos Road, East Finchley. Springer earned a degree in political science at Tulane University. He then received his law degree from Northwestern University in Illinois. After joining a law firm in Cincinnati, he spearheaded the movement in Ohio to lower the voting age from 21 to 18, culminating with his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony supporting ratification of the 26th Amendment to the Constitution. He ran for Congress in 1970 and nearly beat the entrenched Republican incumbent. In 1971, he won a seat on Cincinnati City Council and served five terms before becoming mayor at the age of 33 with the largest plurality in the city’s history.